Miglietta’s Closing Statement

Introduction Joseph sent me a pair of essays: The one below and one on E85. I will post the one on E85 within a few days. I don’t plan to post a rebuttal to the […]

E85: Spinning Our Wheels

Introduction The following is an expanded version of an essay that I posted to The Oil Drum entitled: E85: Spinning Our Wheels. The essay was inspired by comments made by Odograph over at The Oil […]

Rapier Second Response to Miglietta

In Joseph’s second response, he didn’t bring up new material related to ethanol that wasn’t addressed in my first response. He did bring up some other issues that are worth addressing, but this response will […]

Miglietta’s Second Response

Introduction Joseph sent the response below via e-mail. I have done a bit of formatting, but otherwise it is exactly as received. I will respond by the end of the week. As always, feel free […]

Peak Oil Primer

Peak Oil Primer I have written a comprehensive Peak Oil primer for OmniNerd . The article is What You Need to Know about Peak Oil. I attempted to write it from a completely objective viewpoint, […]

XTL: Promise and Peril

The following is a slightly modified version of an essay that I posted to The Oil Drum . Introduction I have stated on several occasions that I believe global warming is a greater immediate threat […]

Rapier Response to Miglietta

Introduction First of all, I would like to thank Joseph Miglietta for taking up my Ethanol Debate Challenge. I firmly believe that the best way to get to evaluate some of these claims is by […]

Wednesday Quick Hits

Plug-In Hybrids The more I learn about plug-in hybrids (PHEVs), the more convinced I am that this would be a far better use of our alternative energy dollar than subsidizing corn ethanol. Learn All About […]

Joseph Miglietta Response to Ethanol Debate Challenge

Introduction Joseph Miglietta, a chemical engineer and chemist, responded to my Ethanol Debate Challenge. I look forward to the exchange of ideas. His response is posted below, with nothing changed except for some formatting. Joseph, […]

Compressed Air Energy Storage

I have always been a big fan of wind power. But one of the knocks on wind is that it is intermittent. Since electrical demand probably won’t match up very well with wind fluctuations, installed […]