A couple of months back, I posted Gary Dikkers’ analysis comparing the fuel efficiency of Minnesota and Wisconsin. Gary’s conclusion was: Both states have almost identical topography, climate, demographics, and about the same mix of […]
Tag: E85
Sugar Producers Want a Piece
The whiff of ethanol dollars floating around Capitol Hill hasn’t escaped the notice of sugar producers in the U.S. The New York Times reports: Seeing Sugar’s Future in Fuel LOREAUVILLE, La. — Todd Landry, a […]
E85 Pricing Reports
Updated: 9/29/07 When I read the following quote, I immediately thought of the recent Business Week article claiming that availability – which they claimed is being hampered by oil companies – is the primary reason […]
Debunking Business Week Misinformation
Besides hypocrisy, another thing I hate is the spreading of misinformation. Sometimes, the spreading of misinformation is done without malice, because you may just be repeating something you thought to be true. So, misinformation is […]
Environmental Irony in Virginia
I ran across an ironic article today from the Richmond Times-Dispatch. In part, it read: Oct. 17–Virginia has one public filling station where motorists can fill up with E-85 fuel, and stations providing the gasoline […]
Another Khosla Critic
A reader recently e-mailed me the following link from Reason Online: An Open Letter to Vinod Khosla This letter to Mr. Khosla, from a fellow Indian émigré, echoes a number of points I have made […]
Imagining the Future of Gasoline
The essay below was cross-posted to The Oil Drum. Mr. Khosla is opening up his ethanol ideas to public criticism, which is a good thing for all parties. We have been debating these issues via […]
A Conversation with Vinod Khosla
Introduction and Background In my recent essay Vinod Khosla Debunked, I challenged Mr. Khosla to a written debate on his recent ethanol claims. Mr. Khosla e-mailed me shortly after that essay appeared, and offered to […]
Vinod Khosla Debunked
Update: Vinod Khosla and I have discussed his claims. That conversation is documented here. Who is Vinod Khosla? When an influential person begins to affect energy policy decisions – decisions that will have a huge […]
Kicking the Oil Habit Road Trip
A recent e-mail brought my attention to a coast-to-coast road trip that is being sponsored by Kick the Oil Habit. The purpose of the road trip is primarily to raise E85 awareness and to promote […]