Well, I was wrong. I have consistently predicted that California’s Proposition 87 would pass. I knew that support had been slipping as gas prices have fallen, but I still thought that when the time came […]
People in Glass Houses

VentureBeat, a Silicon Valley-based site that focuses largely on venture capital (and venture capitalists), has been hosting a series of essays on California’s Proposition 87, which will be voted on next Tuesday. The owner of […]
John McCain’s Ethanol Flip-Flop
I knew that McCain had flip-flopped on this issue. The upcoming issue of Fortune tells the tale: McCain’s farm flip It’s a pretty good lesson on how tough it is to oppose ethanol and get […]
What is it about Silicon Valley executives?
Over the weekend, I had an essay posted at VentureBeat on California’s Proposition 87: Prop 87: Deceptively marketed Most of you know that Vinod Khosla and I have butted heads on a few issues, but […]
Prop 87: A Reader Responds
Below is a response from reader Earl Killian, who lives in Silicon Valley. Earl sent me an e-mail a couple of days ago in response to my August essay on Prop 87: California’s Proposition 87 […]
Cellulosic Ethanol vs. Biomass Gasification

Introduction I have this neat new cellulose conversion process. I am looking for funding and working on a patent application. The invention is a personal cellulosic biomass reactor. In the first reaction step, the cellulose […]
Environmental Irony in Virginia
I ran across an ironic article today from the Richmond Times-Dispatch. In part, it read: Oct. 17–Virginia has one public filling station where motorists can fill up with E-85 fuel, and stations providing the gasoline […]
Report: Brazilian Ethanol is Sustainable

For those who are expecting a Brazilian debunking, I am going to have to disappoint you. My previous debunking was not addressed at the issue of whether Brazilian ethanol is sustainable, but rather whether their […]
Fan Mail – Part II
Now, for the second installment – Jim Paris’ over the top rant in which he ignores everything I have been telling him – followed by a response to the points he raised. I did send […]
Fan Mail – Part I
Warning: If you send me an e-mail, in which you proceed to waste my time and make a fool of yourself, consider it fair game for publication. When I get these e-mails, I have always […]