Once again at DFW Airport, about to make my way back to Europe. So I will be offline for just a bit, but wanted to post the latest from Money Morning, which as I recently […]
Tag: wind power
New Renewable Energy Map
About to hop a plane for Europe, but wanted to share with you a new map from the NRDC that I think is extremely cool: Renewable Energy Map for the U.S. I like this map […]
The Solar Stage is Set
I have been pretty disgusted by this whole $700 billion bailout. I felt like we let a lot of people get away with some very bad behavior; behavior that enriched some at the expense of […]
Extend Renewable Energy Tax Credits
A big pet peeve of mine is the way we have gone about handling tax credits for renewable electricity. I believe renewable alternatives warrant tax credits, because we simply do not pay the “true cost” […]
The Drilling Debate: Narrowing the Chasm
I have given a lot of thought to the issue of opening up new areas for drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). My position has always […]
My Last Long-Distance Car Trip
At least I hope it is my last one. I have made a few long-distance trips by car in my life. The first few were a lot of fun. I was seeing the country for […]
National Wind Projects
I recently received a press release from National Wind, a developer of wind farms. I usually ignore press releases, but I thought this was topical enough to investigate. Further, I haven’t written anything on wind […]
Trip to Germany
Been in Germany today, visiting Choren. I will write something up on that trip soon. They have built a Cadillac of a BTL plant in Freiburg. Very impressive. This was my first trip to Germany […]
Ted Kennedy Opposes “Big Wind”
One thing I strive hard not to be is a hypocrite. If I suggest that we need to conserve energy or reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, you can bet I am striving to walk the […]
World’s Largest Producer of Geothermal Electricity
I would have guessed Iceland, but it’s actually the U.S.: Beyond the sun, a new wave of clean energy As policymakers promote alternative energy sources to reduce the United States’ emissions of greenhouse gases and […]