I have visited 43 states, about 20 foreign countries, and 4 continents, but somehow never made it out to California. That changed last week when I had to take a business trip to L.A. I […]
Summary of Archived Essays
I generally get a lot of e-mails asking for comments on biodiesel, butanol, or any number of subjects I have previously written about. But once an article goes into the archives, it is not nearly […]
E3 Biofuels: Responsible Ethanol

Update: E3 Biofuels, with their promising ethanol technology, has declared bankruptcy. I hope it is clear that my opposition to ethanol has nothing to do with the fuel itself. If we could make sufficient ethanol […]
Ethanol Investing: Counterpoint
I just had an article published at Financial Sense . The article is Ethanol Investing: Counterpoint. In the article, I review the potential of ethanol as a fossil fuel replacement, then discuss the differences between […]
DGA Conference Call on Energy
Update: They now have a news release on the teleconference: Democratic Governors Discuss America’s Energy Future. You can download the audio of the 30-minute teleconference at the bottom of the news release. Today (6-22-06) the […]
More Ethanol Critics Emerge
I am in the process of writing a pro-ethanol story (no, that’s not a typo). However, before I do, I want to highlight a pair of anti-ethanol articles that were just published. Thanks to Robert […]
“Oil Shale Development Imminent”
Update: 6-21-06 This essay has now been posted to The Oil Drum, and there is an active discussion taking place there. I have recently noticed an increase in oil shale coverage in the media, so […]
Rebuttal to “A Gouging Market”
Introduction I have been aware of Matthew Rothschild’s essay “A Gouging Market” (1) since it started making the rounds a couple of months ago. At the time, I decided not to respond as the article […]
Rhode Island’s Smart Choice
Compressed Natural Gas A recent article in the Providence Journal caught my attention: Another fuel to power your car arrives in R.I. Some excerpts from the article: May 24–WARWICK — Hate the gas-guzzling SUV? Worried […]
E85, M85, or Gasoline?
Introduction Joseph Miglietta has sent me a new essay, this time getting into some of the advantages and disadvantages of methanol. I do believe that long-term we are likely to see more methanol come online […]