This week’s episode of R-Squared Energy TV considers the following viewer questions:
- What do you think about the company Joule Unlimited?
- Who are the best politicians on energy policy?
- Who are the worst?
In this episode I explain the single-most important question to ask when conducting due diligence on a renewable energy company. I will also discuss why Republicans and Democrats each only get half of the picture right when it comes to energy policy.
Two notes on the video. I did make a misstatement at about the 4:25 mark when I said “the importance of getting off energy.” I meant to say “oil” and not energy. Also, when I was mentioning politicians who are knowledgeable about our energy predicament, I said “Al Bartlett” of Maryland. Al Bartlett is of course Professor Emeritus from UC Boulder who famously said “The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.” That should have been Congressman Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland, who has given talks on the House floor about peak oil. Apologies to both gentlemen, and thanks to the viewer that flagged this.
Next week’s episode will discuss the books in that pile behind me. One sharp-eyed viewer asked about one of the titles in that stack, as well as for other reading recommendations.
Readers who have specific questions can send them to ask [at] consumerenergyreport [dot] com or leave the question after this post (at the original source). Consider subscribing to our YouTube channel where you’ll be able to view past and future videos.