My ideal microbe for biofuel production would consume garbage, excrete gasoline, and die if it escapes into the wild. Excretion of longer chain hydrocarbons like gasoline would enable a less energy-intensive separation, because the product […]
Tag: Virent
Amyris is Looking Promising
As I have said before, an ideal biofuel would be one that phases out of water, and is therefore much less energy intensive to separate. One of the big energy sinks in ethanol production involves […]
LS9 Stock
There was a major story a few days ago about LS9 in the Times Online: Scientists find bugs that eat waste and excrete petrol I have previously written several articles that mentioned LS9, including: LS9’s […]
Biogasoline from Shell
I think the general consensus was that the recent claims of agricultural researcher J.C. Bell don’t appear to be too compelling. However, as I mentioned, the conversion of biomass into oil or gasoline should be […]