Lots of very crazy stuff going on behind the scenes that’s been keeping me very distracted, and writing to a minimum. Fortunately, Money Morning sent me a very timely essay this morning on crude prices. […]
Tag: Money Morning
The Future of Energy
I am back in Hawaii, and over the next couple of days I will climb out from under an avalanche of correspondence. I have a couple of essays to get out, including an interview that […]
BP’s ‘Giant’ Discovery Gives the Gulf of Mexico New Life
I am trying to climb out from under an avalanche of correspondence, and I also hope to have the “Niches” article done by Monday morning. Until then, the latest from Money Morning on BP’s new […]
Is Venezuela’s Stagflation the Beginning of the End for Chavez?
I am just finishing up Biofuel Contenders, and should have that up later today or first thing tomorrow. Until then, a topical post from the latest from Money Morning, which as I previously explained will […]
China Tightens Grip on Africa’s Energy Resources with Stake in Offshore Field
Today a topical post the latest from Money Morning, which as I previously explained will be featured here whenever they have relevant material to offer. As always, normal caveats apply: I am not an investment […]
U.S. Ramping Up Wind Power Programs Even As Concerns Surface About Possible Declines In U.S. Wind Strength
Once again at DFW Airport, about to make my way back to Europe. So I will be offline for just a bit, but wanted to post the latest from Money Morning, which as I recently […]
Is the Dark Cloud Over Solar Energy Beginning to Break?
Sitting in DFW Airport, about to make my way back to Europe. I will be offline for a day or so. This seems like a good time for the latest from Money Morning, which as […]
With Oil Prices Poised to Jump as Much as 70%, Every Investor Needs an Energy Strategy
[RR note: This blog occasionally posts guest posts, and energy investing is a topic that is visited on a fairly regular basis. The website Money Morning recently noticed that I had linked to one of […]