I read a story this morning on California’s new low-carbon fuel standard, and there were some bits in there that either amount to delusional thinking, or worse to purposely misleading people: California’s low-carbon fuel standard […]
Tag: air pollution
Implications of the CARB Ethanol Ruling
A number of people have written or commented regarding the California Air Resources Board (CARB) ruling that is expected on ethanol later this week. Treehugger had the story: Corn Ethanol Worse than Oil? California Rules […]
So, You Don’t Believe in Global Warming?

I can understand that there are a number of people who think Global Warming via human activity is a myth. I know that a number of regular posters here are of that opinion. My position, […]
Now That’s an About Face!
It’s been almost two years now that 60 Minutes did a special on ethanol, in which Dan Rather was just bubbly with enthusiasm. He had as a guest Berkeley Professor Dan Kammen, who heads up […]
Mark Jacobson Responds to Vinod Khosla
Following the previous response by Vinod Khosla, I sent a link to Professor Jacobson and asked if he had any comments he wanted to make. I received the following, along with permission to post it: […]
Vinod Khosla on Mark Jacobson
Note: In the interest of fairness, I will post a response from Mark Jacobson tomorrow. In response to my recent essay, Vinod Khosla and The Truth, I got a response from Mr. Khosla in which […]
Vinod Khosla and The Truth
One thing I noted during my previous debunking of Vinod Khosla’s claims was that he was very careless with information he presented as fact. I have seen numerous incorrect or grossly exaggerated claims in his […]