Poet, KiOR, and Waste-to-Heat — R-Squared Energy TV Ep. 17

In this week’s episode of R-Squared Energy TV, I answer questions about POET’s Project Liberty, about why KiOR might need a natural gas pipeline, and whether there are better options out there for utilization of waste heat from electrical generating plants.

Some of the topics discussed this week are:

  • POET’s prospects for success with their cellulosic ethanol venture
  • The synergy of co-locating a cellulosic ethanol plant next to a corn ethanol plant
  • Why a renewable energy company might require natural gas
  • Options for utilizing energy from waste hot water

The Project Liberty site that I referenced in the video is here.

Readers who have specific questions can send them to ask [at] consumerenergyreport [dot] com or leave the question after this post (at the original source). Consider subscribing to our YouTube channel where you’ll be able to view past and future videos.