Assessing the Fallout of the Baltimore Bridge Collapse on the Energy Market

The recent collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge into the Patapsco River on March 26 has caused a temporary halt to all shipping traffic from the Port of Baltimore. A reader recently asked me […]

U.S. Crude Oil Export Surged to New Record in 2023

Fresh on the heels of a new U.S. oil production record and establishment of the U.S. as the world’s top liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter, this week the Energy Information Administration reported that the U.S. […]

EIA Confirms U.S. Producing More Oil Than Any Country in History

In mid-December, I wrote here that the U.S. had set a new annual oil production record: “The U.S. set a new annual oil production record on December 15, based on data from the Energy Information […]

State of the Union: Biden Silent on Record Production

President Joe Biden delivered the 2024 State of the Union address last Thursday night under what is always one of the most intense spotlights of the year. This comes as he prepares for a general […]

The Biden Administration Is Gambling With the Strategic Petroleum Reserve

The United States established its Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) in the wake of the 1973–1974 oil embargo that disrupted oil imports and drove oil prices much higher. The SPR consists primarily of several large underground […]

Why ExxonMobil Earned More Under Biden Than Under Trump

The oil industry has historically been politically conservative. In turn, Democratic politicians have often been hostile toward the industry. Nevertheless, oil companies have recorded some of their largest profits during Democratic administrations. For example, neither […]

Global Leaders In Shale Oil And Gas Reserves

The U.S. is the global leader in the production of natural gas and oil derived from shale formations. However, there are other countries with significant quantities of technically recoverable resources. In 2015 the U.S. Energy […]

The U.S. Leads The World In Reducing Carbon Emissions

Following my previous story on the pause in U.S. liquefied natural gas exports, some readers had a hard time believing that the U.S. leads the world in reducing carbon emissions. Some suggested this was only […]

How an LNG Export Ban Could Increase Carbon Emissions

President Biden recently announced a “temporary pause on pending approvals of liquefied natural gas exports.” This announcement comes on the heels of news that in 2023 the U.S. surpassed Qatar and Australia to become the […]