This article is the fifth in a series on BP’s recently-released Statistical Review of World Energy 2019. Previous articles in this series covered carbon dioxide emissions, petroleum supply and demand, the production and consumption of coal, and global natural gas trends:
- BP Warns Of An Unsustainable Path
- The U.S. Accounted For 98% Of Global Oil Production Growth In 2018
- Coal Demand Rises, But Remains Below Peak Levels
- U.S. Increases Its Dominance In Natural Gas Production
Today, I want to cover global trends in renewable energy.
The Review separates renewables into two categories called Hydroelectric and Renewables. The former consists of hydropower, which has been around for a long time. Hydropower still produces more electricity globally than the Renewables category, which consists primarily of rapidly-growing wind and solar power, as well as more mature renewable technologies like geothermal power and power produced from biomass.
To put these numbers in perspective, the following graphic shows the global percentage each of the major power sources contributed to electricity generation in 2018:

Coal is still the dominant source of electricity around the world, although natural gas has taken over the top spot in the U.S. But, renewables have grown rapidly over the past decade, and are on the cusp of overtaking nuclear globally.
In 2018, nuclear power was responsible for 2,701 Terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity generation, compared to 4,193 TWh for hydropower and 2,480 for renewables. In comparison, coal produced more power than all three categories combined.