The Guardian has sent me a couple of e-mails asking Guardian Commercial Partners to offer a survey to readers. Some of the questions are about how often you read this (and other) blogs, whether it is good or it stinks, and an indication of your opinion on environmental issues.
Here is a link to the quiz. You have a chance at a £50 ($100) voucher to Natural Selections.
A sampling of the questions you will find:
On the scale below, please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements: Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Climate change is the biggest single problem facing the world today
I think people who don’t recycle should be penalised
The idea of living ethically bores me
Because of their impact on the environment I feel guilty taking short haul flights
It is important to be able to buy locally produced goods
Politicians should lead the way on environmental issuesWhich (if any) of the following do you expect to do in the next 12 months? Please select as many as apply
Install own alternative energy provision (e.g. solar panels)
Insulate my house
Buy a “green” car
Take out a “green” financial product
Buy an energy efficient washing machine/dishwasher/fridge/freezer
Buy eco-friendly household products
Switch energy provision to green provider/tariff
None of the above
Feel free to take the quiz. Or not.
“Because of their impact on the environment I feel guilty taking short haul flights”
Maybe if Amtrack could get there act together I would.