Why Diesel Usually Costs More Than Gasoline

I recently took the plunge and registered on TikTok. I hadn’t thought it would be worth my time, because my impression had been that younger people didn’t care as much about energy issues. But then […]

Why Gasoline Prices Fall In The Fall

Gasoline prices are on the way down, and I am seeing a lot of chatter from people who are convinced this is political. After all, we are headed into an election year, and lower gasoline […]

Tesla’s Market Share Plunged To New Low In Q3

Last December, I wrote Why Tesla’s Market Share Is Set To Plunge In 2023. My logic was straightforward. After buying Twitter, Elon Musk began to alienate the very people most likely to buy a Tesla. […]

Comparing ExxonMobil And Google: Profits, Profit Margins, And Tax Rates

It’s earnings season, and with ExxonMobil and Chevron posting big profits, that can only mean one thing. They are once again being blamed for gouging consumers and for causing inflation. As I have argued before, […]

October Was The Highest Oil Production Month in U.S. History

Recently a friend sent me a YouTube video from the Climate Town channel called Who Actually Controls Gas Prices? I must say that the guy in the video is accurate on most of the issues. […]

Hertz Hurting from Electric Vehicle Impact

Although I believe the future belongs to renewable energy and electric vehicles, the transition is going to be bumpy. This is something I have emphasized for years. This year provides a great example. Renewables got […]

IEA’s World Energy Outlook 2023 Predicts Peak Fossil Fuel Demand

The International Energy Agency (IEA) just released its World Energy Outlook 2023 report. The full report may be found here. Perhaps the most noteworthy prediction from the report is of peak demand for fossil fuels […]

Profit, Politics, and Petroleum: Making Sense of the Oil Industry

Good energy policy starts with a good understanding of energy issues. But both major political parties have glaring blind spots when it comes to understanding the energy sector. Let me preface this column by noting […]